Does PCOS Cause Infertility?

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Does PCOS Cause Infertility?

Women with PCOS often have concerns about their fertility and reproductive health, such as whether they can become pregnant at all. (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a complex hormonal condition that affects up to one in five women of reproductive age.

Many (but not all) women prone to anovulation and infertility, which is when the ovaries don’t always release an egg during the menstrual cycle.

As a result, they may experience more difficulty conceiving than other women. Fertility treatment or a long time to conceive may be necessary for most women with PCOS, but receiving the right advice and support can help improve fertility and increase the chances of pregnancy.

Understanding PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is when your body suffers hormonal imbalance and metabolic issues, leading to multiple cysts on the ovaries.

The imbalance of reproductive hormones creates problems in the ovaries and causes irregular menstrual periods, weight gain, acne, and facial hair.

PCOS can affect women of all races and ethnicities. However, your risk increases if your mother, sister, or aunt has PCOS. PCOS can สมัคร ufabet กับเรา รับโบนัสทันที develop at any age after puberty, but most women find out they have the condition in their 20s and 30s or when they experience problems getting pregnant.

Some symptoms, such as acne, excess body and facial hair, and hair loss, are due to increased androgen levels. Androgens are present in all females, but those have slightly higher amounts.

Recently, studies have found that often causes poor glucose tolerance, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes. In such a situation, download HealthifyMe, which helps you understand your body’s glucose patterns with Continuous Glucose Monitoring. 

Real-time and personalised feedback on whether your dietary and lifestyle choices positively or negatively affect processes that drive PCOS symptoms. It works through a tiny sensor inserted under your skin. The CGM wirelessly sends the information to the app on your phone or laptop so you can monitor your blood sugar throughout the day.